Contact information
The owner of the domain names, Internet pages, and social networks accessed from the domain is:
CIF: G58863317
Address: c/ Bellesguard 16, Castellbisbal, 08755, Barcelona
Registered in the Registro Mercantil de Barcelona, Volumen 45456, Folio 184, Hoja B 488403
Terms and conditions
Any person who accesses and browses our website becomes a User thereof, who accept this Website’s Terms of Use, detailed in all of its legal notices and policies, and that, among other things, includes information regarding the regulations on data protection, intellectual property, security measures, and competent jurisdiction. As a User, you must carefully read this Legal Notice on each of the occasions you intend to use the website, as it can be changed, and therefore you will be subject to and must obey its provisions.
The present conditions of use of the web page, regulate the terms of access and use of The website is understood to be subject to strict compliance with the terms contained in these terms of use of the website.
User’s rights and obligations
The user has the right to browse the website, observing the rules established in its notices and policies at all times, and the right to have your information processed with respect and maximum privacy, which is why we have provided adequate Privacy and Data Protection Policy.
The user must respect at all times the terms and conditions established in this legal notice. Expressly, the user states he will use the portal diligently and assuming any liability that may arise from the breach of rules.
The user is obliged, in those cases in which they request data or information, not to falsify their identity by posing as any other person. The user cannot use the portal for activities contrary to the law, morals, and public order, as well as for prohibited purposes or that violate or harm the rights of the third parties. Likewise, the dissemination, storage, or management of data or contents that infringe the rights of third parties or any regulatory regulations of intellectual or industrial property rights is prohibited.
Also, the user may not use the website to transmit, store, disclose, promote or distribute data or content that are carriers of viruses or any other compute code, files, or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or impair the operation of any application, computers or telecommunications equipment.
The user undertakes to indemnify and hold harmless the website for any damage, prejudice, penalty, fine, penalty, or compensation that may have to have the website.
Browsing the web is free and does not require prior registration.
BEAMAGINE has no responsibility to verify the information or content of other pages or websites that can be accessed through links incorporated into this website. Even so, it will eliminate as soon as possible, and as soon as it becomes aware, those links that redirect to webpages that have published content that does not correspond to reality, violate the applicable rules of use, which could lead to errors, or cause harm to users. In case, as a user, you know of any of these assumptions, you can communicate it to us at the following email address:
Confidentiality rules
Your data may be collected when the user browses the website, and, in this case, BEAMAGINE will respect the provisions of the Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy.
Users of the Website must maintain the confidentiality of all information that they access relating to our services or confidential aspects.
Intellectual and Industrial property
Intellectual and industrial property policy applies to all the content of the website. The user expressly acknowledges for all purposes that the information, signs, images, designs, logos, animations, videos, texts, as well as other elements and content, including the website’s services and computer applications, are subject to the industrial and intellectual property rights of BEAMAGINE and/or the third-party holders that have duly authorized their inclusion on the website, expressly stating that no type of right over any content of any kind will be granted, except those that are explicitly recognized. BEAMAGINE is the owner of all the intellectual and industrial property rights of its website, as well as of the elements contained therein. All rights reserved.
By the provisions of articles 8 and 32.1, the second paragraph, of the Law on Intellectual Property, the reproduction, distribution, modification, transformation, assignation, and public communication, including the way it is made available, of all or part of the contents are expressly prohibited of this website, with commercial ends, in any supports, and by any technical means, without the express authorization of BEAMAGINE.
The owner of this website has registered and therefore owns, the BEAMAGINE trademark, which is registered with the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office. As a User, you cannot use our brand, domain, slogan, or any other element that makes up our corporate identity, without the express consent of BEAMAGINE. This legal notice shall be complemented, in everything that is not expressly provided for, with the applicable regulation on intellectual and industrial property.
BEAMAGINE does not guarantee the continuous and permanent availability of the services, and BEAMAGINE has not any responsibility for possible damages caused as a result of the lack of availability of the service due to force majeure or errors in the telematic networks of transfer data, alien to their will, or disconnections made for improvement or maintenance of equipment and computer systems. In these cases, BEAMAGINE will do its best to notify the interruption, suspension, or termination of the information or services. Also, not responsible for possible omissions, loss of data, settings, improper access, or breach of confidentiality that have their origin in technical problems, communications, or human failures, caused by third parties or not attributable to the website. Nor will it be liable for damages caused by computer attacks or caused by viruses that affect computer programs, communications systems, or equipment used by the website but manufactured or provided by a third party. The portal may, at its sole discretion, deny, withdraw, suspend and/or block at any time and without prior notice access to information and services to those Users who fail to comply with these rules. BEAMAGINE declines all responsibility for computer damage or any other type that may be caused to the user when accessing the contents of the website. Therefore, BEAMAGINE does not guarantee the absence of viruses or other harmful elements that could cause damage or alterations to the computer system, electronic documents, or files belonging to the user or third parties. BEAMAGINE not guarantee or assume any responsibility respect to the possible damages caused by the use of information and data of its website, except in those cases in which the law expressly imposes the contrary In any case, the portal excludes any liability for damages and losses that may be due to the information and/or services provided or provided by third parties other than the owner. All responsibility will be the third party, whether provider, collaborator, or other.
Link policy
It is possible that de User access to content from third-part, through the website. Given that BEAMAGINE cannot always control the content introduced by third parties in their respective Websites, it does not assume any kind of responsibility concerning their contents. In any case, BEAMAGINE will proceed to the immediate withdrawal of any content that may contravene national or international legislation, morality or public order, moving to the quick removal of the redirection to the website, bringing to the attention of the competent authorities the content in question.
BEAMAGINE is not responsible for the information and stored content, by way of example, but not limited to forums, chats, blog generators, comments, social networks, or any other means of its Users.
It is expressly forbidden to establish links from pages that contain manifestations or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic, apology of terrorism, against human rights or any other illegal or contrary to morality and public order. In no case may BEAMAGINE be implied or declared to intervene, endorse, promote, participate or, have supervised in any way the contents of the page where the link appears, nor only consent to its incursion, except with express authorization.
Likewise, the website it is made available to all users, authorities and security forces, collaborating actively in the withdrawal or, where appropriate, blocking of all those content that may affect or contravene national or international legislation, the rights of third parties or the moral and public order included in this website. If the user considers that there is any content on the website that could be susceptible to these classifications, please notify the Website administrator immediately.
IP addresses
The website’s servers can automatically detect the IP address and domain name used by the user. An IP address is a number automatically assigned to a computer when it connects to the Internet. All this information is registered in a server activity file duly registered that allows the subsequent processing of the data to obtain only statistical measurements that allow knowing the number of page impressions, the number of visits made to the web servers, the order of visits, the access point, and to assess other Website’ aspects.
Applicable law and jurisdiction
BEAMAGINE also reserved the right to file civil or criminal actions it deems appropriate for the improper use of its website and content, or the break of these conditions. Current Spanish regulations will govern the relationships between BEAMAGINE and User, and any dispute will be submitted to the Court and Tribunals of the city of Barcelona.