Beamagine SL will participate in the Autonomous Ship Technology Symposium, to be held in Amsterdam (June 25th , 26th and 27th 2019)
The symposium aims to bring together ship designers, fleet owners, naval architects, classification societies, equipment manufacturers and maritime research organizations towards the goal of a fully automated, autonomous, self-commanded boat, either fully autonomous or remotely commanded.
Leading experts from around the world will present their views and current findings, leading to a unique opportunity to exchange ideas and network with this pioneering community of maritime engineers building the next generation of sea transport vehicles, which are expected to incorporate the benefits of developments in the self-driving car to the maritime industry.
Beamagine SL will present the latest achievements and perspectives on the use of lidar cameras for maritime vehicles of any size, enabling small object detection using the combination of multiple imaging modes in the same unit using customized sensor fusion procedures. In particular, both at the Conference in the Expo and in our Booth we will be showing the potential of the combination of 3D images with polarimetric cameras in maritime environments.